vitamin d

Blog /Interesting information blog /Vitamin D-rich foods 2024


Vitamin D-rich foods 2024

Everyone knows that vitamin D is an important supplement for the normal functioning of the body.

But what are the foods containing vitamin D, in what quantity and how should they be taken, what diseases can vitamin D deficiency cause?

Vitamin D is fat soluble, chemically it is not just a vitamin but a hormone. It is naturally synthesized in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays, so its other common name is the "sun" vitamin. According to various sources, staying outside in the sunny weather for 15-30 minutes from 10 in the morning to 4 in the evening can provide the body with a sufficient amount of vitamin D.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency directly or indirectly affects every part of the body.
Vitamin D deficiency appears in a blood test and manifests itself in a person with various symptoms.

Constant cold
Excess weight
Bone pain
General malaise and weakness
Loss of strength, loss of balance
Frequent headaches
Hair loss, broken nails
Don't sweat
Sleep problems

Vitamin D is important for maintaining muscle health and at the same time reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases, infectious diseases, bacterial diseases, bone cancer, diabetes and several types of hereditary diseases.

Those who listen to the advice of dermatologists and cosmetologists know that they recommend limiting the time of sunbathing and using sun protection products due to exposure to ultraviolet rays causing skin cancer and oncological diseases. They have been proven to increase the risk of skin cancer and also cause premature aging.

We also get this vitamin from food, although not all foods can boast of its high content. In any case, in order for vitamin D to be activated and have the necessary effect on the body, it must go through a series of transformations in the liver and kidneys.

Vitamin D's main functions include regulating calcium and phosphate absorption and supporting normal bone formation. Vitamin D also plays a role in regulating the immune system, muscle function, and inflammatory responses.

So how will our ranking be?

Foods rich in vitamin D and calcium:
Canned salmon and sardines
Fish oil
Beans and legumes, nuts, dried fruits
Green vegetables and herbs
Cereal products
Whitening products: Milk, cheese, yogurt
Small amounts of vitamin D can be obtained from eggs, beef liver and fat. However, it is problematic to reach the daily demand with their help.

All of these products, when used in a diet, are also effective in preventing cardiovascular disease and regulating diabetes.

But do we know how much calcium the body needs?

98% of calcium is found in bones and teeth, but is also present inside cells and in extracellular fluid (blood serum). Serum calcium levels are not affected by dietary fluctuations. After this level decreases, the body immediately compensates for the loss of bone tissue. Thus, calcium deficiency can lead to the development of osteoporosis and other diseases.

As we can see, it is not in vain that world and local medical associations recommend taking additional vitamin D. According to the current recommendations of endocrinologists, adults should take 800-1000 mg of calcium daily as a preventive measure, and women during pregnancy.

Calcium regulates the work of the nervous system and muscles, strengthens bones, improves immunity and reduces allergic reactions, regulates the activity of the heart.

Check out the top 3 best calcium supplements with vitamin D from Tianshi brand.
Super Calcium for Kids
Bio Calcium
Lecithin Calcium
The use of these products - heals bone-muscle, joint traumas quickly and without complications, and quickly unites bone fractures.

It is used in the treatment program of osteochondrosis, osteoporosis and intervertebral disc herniation.
Eliminates bone fragility.
It ensures the normal development of the skeleton.
Strengthens teeth, hair and nails.
Eliminates convulsions.
It is effective in the treatment program of allergy and bronchial asthma.
Treats rheumatism, flu, measles, rubella.
Year-round prevention is recommended for everyone.
